The 10 Most Important OPRA Court Opinions Of The Decade

Inspired by the countless lists that have been published recently of the past decade’s best books, movies, TV shows, etc., here’s my list of the most important OPRA opinions issued over the decade.

  1. North Jersey Media Group v. Lyndhurst Tp. (Supreme Court)–this landmark opinion governs access to virtually all law enforcement records and establishes how to apply the exemptions for criminal investigatory records and investigations in progress.

2. Paff v. Galloway Tp. (Supreme Court)–resolved an issue that comes up frequently, holding that OPRA requires public bodies to produce requested reports from information in electronic databases. In addition, for the first time, the Supreme Court adopted the “MAG rule” of the Appellate Division, confirming that OPRA requests requiring research and analysis are invalid.

3. Kovalcik v. Somerset Prosecutor’s Office (Supreme Court)–this opinion established two critically important principles: (1) OPRA’s personnel exemption is construed in favor of protecting the confidentiality of personnel information; and (2) the fact that the requestor has the ability, in pending litigation, to obtain discovery does not affect the requestor’s ability to file an OPRA request.

4. North Jersey Media v. Governor’s Office (App. Div.)–departing from what had been the standard practice, that only the GRC could impose OPRA’s penalties, the court held that trial judges have the authority to impose fines on public officials who violate OPRA.

5. Gilleran v. Bloomfield Tp. (Supreme Court)–the Court addressed OPRA’s security exemptions for the first time since OPRA’s enactment, and held that they bar release of building surveillance videos.

6. Matter of State Firemens Ass’n (Supreme Court)–two important holdings: (1) public bodies may not file OPRA declaratory judgment actions prior to answering requests; (2) OPRA’s privacy exemption covers information about an individual’s receipt of financial assistance.

7. L.R. v. Camden (Supreme Court)–held that OPRA cannot be used to obtain access to student records.

8. North Jersey Media v. Bergen County Prosecutor (App. Div.)–upheld the validity of the “Glomar” response to OPRA requests; to protect the confidentiality of investigations, an investigating agency may respond to a request concerning an investigation by stating it neither confirms nor denies the existence of responsive records.

9. Scheeler v. Atlantic County Mun. JIF (App. Div.)–held that the right to request records under OPRA is not limited to citizens or residents of New Jersey.

10. Ciesla v. Dept. of Health and Libertarians for Transparent Govt. v. GRC (both App. Div.)–these two appellate opinions make clear that all draft documents are entirely exempt.

OPRA For New Jersey Prosecutors

I had a great time last week presenting a full day training session to the Office of the Union County Prosecutor on “The Open Public Records Act for New Jersey Prosecutors.” The presentation, geared to assistant prosecutors, covered all the basics of OPRA, and also included in-depth discussion of topics such as access to law enforcement records, important OPRA case law, and OPRA litigation practice tips.

This presentation can be customized to the needs of any New Jersey law enforcement agency. Please email me at if you would like more information about OPRA training.

The Appellate Division Reiterates A Basic Rule: A Custodian Is Not A Researcher Under OPRA

It’s a well-settled rule that an OPRA request requiring research by the custodian is invalid, but requestors nevertheless keep filing these kind of requests. In an opinion issued today, the Appellate Division, as it has done on many occasions, upheld the denial of a request on this basis. Carter v. Dept. of Community Affairs (unpublished).

The request in this case was a textbook example of an invalid research request. The requestor sought

“copies of any and all ‘Notice of Docketing’ records issued by the New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division, resulting from an appeal (pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.91) of any final [agency] decision of the Local Finance Board [(LFB)] from August 9, 2011 through August 9, 2016.”

The Appellate Division agreed with the GRC that this is not a valid request. Because the request did not identify specific cases, it required the custodian to find out from other agencies what cases might be covered, locate these case files, and then analyze the case files to attempt to figure out if they contained relevant records. OPRA simply does not require records custodians to perform such research and analysis.

Reminder: The GRC Considers Autopsy Reports to be Open to the Public

In a recent case, Costigan v. Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office, the GRC reiterated a position it has held since 2015: autopsy reports are not confidential under OPRA’s criminal investigatory record exemption, because they are required by law, specifically N.J.S.A. 52:17B-88, to be filed in the offices of the State Medical Examiner.

After the GRC’s 2015 ruling, I noted in this post that its conclusion concerning autopsy reports may not be correct. The legislative history of N.J.S.A. 52:17B-88 seems to suggest that this statute is not intended to grant full public access to autopsy reports. However, the GRC continues to rely on its 2015 ruling, which did not address this point.

Supreme Court to Review a Second Case on the Confidentiality of Police Personnel Information

Less than two weeks ago, the Supreme Court granted review of a case to consider whether OPRA’s personnel exemption bars disclosure of the name of a state trooper who was fired for misconduct. The Court recently granted review of a second case, FOP v. City of Newark, which similarly involves the application of OPRA’s personnel exemption to police officers accused of misconduct.

FOP v. City of Newark concerns the validity of a Newark ordinance creating a civilian board empowered to investigate citizens’ complaints of police misconduct. As I discussed here, the Appellate Division struck down one part of the ordinance, allowing public disclosure of the identities of the complainants and the affected police officers, noting that this conflicts with OPRA’s requirement that personnel records are confidential.

Supreme Court To Review Scope Of OPRA’s Personnel Exemption

The Supreme Court recently announced it will review an OPRA case with major implications for the privacy of public employees’ personnel records. Libertarians for Transparent Govt. v. NJ State Police.

The Court’s website states the issue in the case is whether OPRA’s personnel exemption “require[s] disclosure of the name of a state trooper listed in the Office of Professional Standard’s annual report to the Legislature as having been terminated for misconduct?”

The Appellate Division upheld the denial of this request based on OPRA’s exemption that prohibits public disclosure of personnel information. Its straightforward rationale was that revealing the trooper’s name would disclose the precise information made confidential by OPRA’s personnel exemption–the fact that the employee was disciplined.

It’s not clear why the Supreme Court would want to review this unambiguous OPRA provision. It’s possible the Court wants to consider creating a new exception that would grant the public access to disciplinary information about law enforcement officers. Or, perhaps it recognizes that there’s a need for a precedential opinion upholding personnel privacy; as I’ve discussed, OPRA requestors often demand disclosure of personnel information, despite the clear legislative statement that such information is confidential.

Appellate Division Again Holds Police Internal Affairs Records Are Exempt Under OPRA

Requestors often seek access to police department internal affairs records, but the courts and the GRC have consistently held that these records are exempt under OPRA. See this post, and also this one, for some examples. In an unpublished opinion issued today, the Appellate Division once again turned away an effort to make internal affairs files public. Doe v. City of Trenton.

The court held that these records are exempt because the Attorney General’s Internal Affairs Policy and Procedure makes them confidential and exempt from public disclosure. The court did not engage in additional analysis, presumably because the confidentiality of internal affairs records is so well-settled.

3d Circuit Issues Opinion on OPRA Attorney Fees Award

It’s rare for the federal courts to deal with OPRA issues, but the Third Circuit recently issued a precedential opinion in a case involving an OPRA request for communications between the FBI and the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The court held that NJIT was liable for the requestor’s attorney fees when litigation resulted in the release of some of these records, even though the FBI had directed NJIT not to disclose them. Golden v. NJIT.

NJIT denied the OPRA request because the FBI categorically directed it to withhold the records in question. The requestor filed an OPRA lawsuit, which was removed to federal court due to the FBI’s involvement. During the pendency of this action, the FBI reconsidered its original position and permitted the release of a number of the documents.

The court rejected NJIT’s argument that an attorney fee award was not warranted because it had acted reasonably in denying the OPRA request based on the FBI’s directive. The court correctly noted that there is no reasonableness defense under OPRA’s attorney fee provision; if (as occurred in this case) the suit is the catalyst for release of some records, a fee award is mandatory.

However, the reasonableness argument is beside the point in this case. While the plaintiff here was certainly entitled to attorney fees, the real issue was who should have to pay these fees, NJIT or the FBI. I think the correct answer is the FBI: its directive to NJIT caused the withholding of records and the requestor’s resulting need to file litigation and generate attorney fees.

The Third Circuit based NJIT’s liability on the legally incorrect premise that NJIT should have “exercise[d] independent judgment,” rather than “unquestionably obeying the FBI’s orders to withhold the records.” NJIT had no such choice. The OPRA statute and its implementing executive orders prohibit custodians from refusing to comply with a federal agency’s determination that records are confidential.

Supreme Court Confirms That Student Records Are Not Accessible Under OPRA

The Supreme Court today affirmed the Appellate Division’s opinion that student records are confidential under the pertinent Department of Education regulation. As a result, these records are not publicly accessible under OPRA, even where all information that may reveal the student’s identity has been redacted from the record. L.R. v. Camden City Pub. School Dist.

The Supreme Court split 3-3 in this case, with Justice Fernandez-Vina not participating, meaning that the Appellate Division’s 2017 judgment was affirmed. See this post for a discussion of the Appellate Division opinion.

Appellate Division Declines to Address Whether a Court May Issue Injunctive Relief Against a Requestor Who Submits An Excessive Number of Requests

Trial judges have the ability to issue injunctive relief against requestors who file an unreasonable number of requests. See this post for an example. However, there’s no precedential appellate opinion, under OPRA, that confirms this principle.

The appeal in Teaneck v. Jones appeared to be the case that might generate such an opinion. It involved a requestor who submitted an extraordinarily large number of requests to Teaneck in a short time frame, in an obvious effort to harass the township. Despite this, the trial judge rejected Teaneck’s application for an injunction that would excuse it from answering Jones’ requests.

Teaneck appealed, but the Appellate Division, in an unpublished opinion issued today, declined to address the injunction issue because it was moot. The opinion indicates that after the trial judge’s ruling, the requestor and Teaneck worked out a resolution, and the Township answered a number of Jones’ requests. As a result, the appellate court said it could grant no effective relief by deciding whether an injunction should have been issued.